Another day and another poor decision behind the wheel….

Another day and another poor decision behind the wheel….
Photo: Joshua Santoyo under arrest

Originally published as a Salinas Police Department Facebook post – 

“Vigilant Officers were out and about when one of them spotted a sweet 1999 BMW (considered a classic for this young Officer 😉).

While this Officer watched the vehicle it began to drive recklessly, the driver’s 1st mistake.

Officers attempted to stop it but the driver, Joshua Santoyo (19), made his 2nd mistake of the night and thought he could out run Officers.

After about a mile Santoyo quickly realized the BMW was to much for him to handle and he crashed into an embankment.

Officers who were right on Santoyo’s tail were able to quickly take him into custody.

After being medically cleared at NMC, Santoyo was transported to County Jail for felony evading and reckless driving. #notjeffgordon #onetomanymistakes #slowridetojail #nottoday”



Another day and another poor decision behind the wheel…. was last modified: January 5th, 2023 by admin
Categories: Monterey

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