Yuba-Sutter narcotic and gang task force busts illegal marijuana grow

Photo: Yuba City PD
Originally published as a Yuba City Police Department Facebook post:
“During the past six months, Yuba-Sutter Narcotic and Gang Enforcement Task Force (NET-5) received multiple complaints regarding the overwhelming odor of marijuana in a commercial structure at 598 Garden Highway.
The odor was permeating the building and impacting other neighboring businesses. NET-5 Agents investigated, and obtained probable cause to believe there was cannabis being illegal cultivated inside of Unit #23.
On April 5, 2022, at 12:35 PM, NET-5 Agents with assistance of the Yuba City Police Department, served a search warrant at 598 Garden Highway #23. Upon entering Unit #23, Agents saw it had been converted into a complex illegal indoor cannabis grow.
The illegal cannabis grow consisted of approximately 368 plants, and was determined to be unlawful within the city limits of Yuba City, a violation of the Yuba City Municipal Code and a violation of section 11358(c) of the California Health and Safety Code. The grow was eradicated and the landlord for the unit was notified.
The tenant of Unit # 23 was identified as Robert Mann (40 years old out of Sacramento) and issued a misdemeanor citation for illegally cultivating cannabis, a violation of section 11358(c) of the California Health and Safety Code.
The investigation will be sent to the Sutter County District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.”