Shasta County: Man flees arrest with hands cuffed behind back, later found by K-9

Photo: Lucas Andrew McLeod / Shasta County Sheriff’s Office
A Shasta County man with multiple outstanding warrants is in custody after initially running from an arresting officer with the cuffs still on his wrists, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
On the afternoon of Thursday, January 7, a deputy responding to a suspicious activity call in Cottonwood reportedly happened upon 25-year-old Lucas Andrew McLeod of Anderson, whom the deputy knew to have multiple outstanding warrants.
The deputy went to secure McLeod’s property when McLeod, with his hands still cuffed behind his back, took off on foot. Though the deputy gave chase, he reportedly lost sight of McLeod in the area of First Street.
At that point more deputies responded to establish a perimeter, as well as requesting assistance from a CHP helicopter and K-9 officer.
K-9 officer “Chase” was brought to the scene and began tracking McLeod through neighborhood streets and yards, eventually finding him hiding in dense brush on Seales Lane.
McLeod was at last taken into custody without further incident, now with a new charge of delaying or obstructing a peace officer.