Meth-Smuggling Juvenile Leads to Four Arrests & Hefty Seizure at the Border

Photo: teen smuggler caught (US Customs and Border Protection)
JAMUL – A January 13th 10:30 PM State Route 94 checkpoint search led to the arrest of a 14-year old and three of his companions. U.S. Border Patrol Agents encountered three bundles of crystal meth found strapped to the teen’s body beneath his clothes.
The K-9 team performed a sniff of the silver 2006 Volkswagen Jetta as agents questioned the four passengers. The resulting K-9 team alert sent the driver for further examination at a secondary inspection point.
While removed from the vehicle, an officer-safety pat down of all four of the subjects led agents to packages secured around the waistline of one of the occupants. Further escort for a possible illicit-narcotics search revealed the three bundles of methamphetamine weighing 3.31 lbs.
A second K-9 sniff-alert resulted in a search of the rear of the vehicle. Agents discovered three backpacks.
Forty-nine plastic-wrapped packages held 50.71 lbs of Meth. All total – the 54.02 lbs of Meth has an estimated street value of $102,000.
“The driver, a 34-year-old male U.S. citizen, was placed under arrest along with three juvenile males, which included a 16-year-old U.S. citizen and two Mexican nationals ages 14 and 16,” said the agency.
The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force took custody of the four subjects and their goods. U.S. Border Patrol seized the vehicle.
This high level of vigilance on corridors of egress away from the Nation’s borders prevents the illicit smuggling of humans, drugs, and other contraband. Since October 1, 2019, San Diego Sector has seized approximately 1,099 pounds of methamphetamine, with an estimated street value of $2,088,100.
To report suspicious activity, contact San Diego Sector at (619) 498-9900.