Mendocino County Sheriff: Transient arrested for felony child neglect

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WILLITS // On July 27th just before 3:30 PM, County Sheriff’s Deputies arrived on the 900 block of Highway 20 after numerous complaints about a transient encampment.
The reporting party was the owner of a parcel of land in the area and has apparently been dealing with illegal campers for some time.
While the situation was under active investigation, deputies were dispatched to the area and spoke with 27-year-old Jeffery Wilson, who’d previously been warned to clean up and vacate.
Deputies then noticed Wilson’s 2-year-old son tied to a tree by the wrist, lacking “basic food and water,” wearing only a diaper, and surrounded by numerous hazards.
Deputies noted several “weapons and other dangerous items” within the child’s reach that could easily cause great bodily harm.
Wilson was arrested for felony child neglect/abuse and was also found to be in possession of a controlled substance. The property owner also executed a citizen’s arrest pursuant to penal code 602(o) for trespassing.
Animal Control was also called upon to take custody of several animals at the encampment and Child Protective Services took custody of Wilson’s child.
Wilson has since been booked at the Mendocino County Jail with bail set to $25,000.