Woman Hijacks Big Rig, Leads Police on Very Slow-Speed Freeway Chase

After allegedly hijacking a Carl’s Jr. restaurant delivery truck in downtown Woodland, a Sacramento woman was eventually arrested near Highway 99 in central Sacramento.
Porsha Slater, 29, allegedly climbed into the delivery truck’s cab at the fast food restaurant in the 1500 block of East Main Street on the evening of Monday, July 14. She put the big truck in gear and proceeded west down Main Street. Upon reaching the I-5 interchange, she drove up the on ramp and headed south toward Sacramento.
The Carl’s Jr. delivery driver had, in the meantime, emerged from the fast food restaurant to find his truck had gone missing, and alerted authorities. Woodland police and California Highway Patrol officers had little trouble locating Slater. She couldn’t figure out how to shift the truck out of first gear. Thus she lead pursuers on what Woodland Police spokesman Lt. Anthony Cucchi described as a “very low speed” chase.
CHP officers deployed a “spike strip” near the Highway 99-Interstate 5 interchange, which blew the big rig’s tires and forced Slater to a halt. Slater at this point refused to give herself up, however. As police approached the disabled truck from the rear, she successfully engaged the reverse gear and attempted to back up at the police officers. While police evaded this maneuver, Slater still refused to obey their orders. “She didn’t want to come out of vehicle,” Cucci noted.
In response, police deployed a K-9 dog to end her resistance. After receiving medical treatment for dog bites, Slater was lodged at the Yolo County Jail on charges including carjacking, vehicle theft, assault on a peace officer, evading police and resisting arrest. Her bail was set at $260,000.
Ms. Slater is no stranger to the inside of a jail cell or squad car. She has been in trouble multiple times over the past few years, according to police records. Just last Christmas day, she was charged with battery on a peace officer, resisting or obstructing a peace officer, and obstructing a teacher or student. Details of that incident are not available, but she was arrested 3 times earlier that month for being under the influence of a controlled substance.
In 2012 she was arrested at least twice for being under the influence, and once for a warrant, possibly related to a 2011 incident showing an arrest for domestic violence – inflicting injury on a spouse or co-habitant. And in 2010 there was an arrest for resisting or obstructing a peace officer – again, no details of those incidents are available.