Bend Resident Arrested for Fatal Hit-and-Run and DUI in San Luis Obispo

On July 23, 2024, at 12:00 pm, San Luis Obispo Police officers responded to S. Higuera and Fontana for a reported injured bicyclist. It was later determined there were two bicyclists that had been struck by an unknown vehicle that fled the scene prior to officers’ arrival. One of the bicyclists, Saul Goldberg, age 87 and a resident of Avila Beach, was transported to a local hospital for care but sadly passed away on July 31, 2024, from his injuries. The second bicyclist, Martin Suits, age 74 and a resident of Avila Beach, was also moderately injured and received care at a local hospital.
Within minutes of the collision, another collision occurred in a mobile home park on the 3800 block of S. Higuera where Vanessa Noblitt, age 44 and a resident of Bend, Oregon hit a parked car and was ultimately arrested for DUI and hit and run (property damage only). Noblitt was found to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) four times over the legal limit.
Soon after, San Luis Obispo Police detectives and the Severe Collision Investigative Detail (SCID) team began to investigate both collisions as possibly related. Through the investigation, detectives obtained evidence identifying Noblitt and her vehicle as being responsible for the fatal collision on S. Higuera.
Detectives served search warrants at Noblitt’s residence in Bend, Oregon on August 6, 2024, where several items of evidence were seized, including Noblitt’s vehicle, for forensic processing. Detectives continued to review evidence in collaboration with the San Luis Obispo District Attorney’s Office.
On December 9, 2024, the DA’s Office filed the charges listed below and on December 11, 2024, a warrant was issued for Noblitt’s arrest:
PC191.5(B) Felony Vehicular Manslaughter
VC23153(A)(B) Felony DUI Causing Injury
VC23578 Felony DUI with a Blood Alcohol Level .15% or Higher, 2 counts
VC12022.7(A) Felony Inflict Great Bodily Injury, 2 counts
VC20002(A) Misdemeanor Hit and Run Property Damage
Noblitt was arrested by the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, and is in custody in Oregon awaiting extradition to San Luis Obispo County. Once booked into SLO County Jail, Noblitt’s bail will be set at $160,000.
Incident # 240723046