Petaluma Police Make Two Separate Arrests for Alleged Possession of CSAM

“On Friday 3/8/24, Petaluma Police Department detectives and officers arrested Thomas Price for an outstanding arrest warrant related to this investigation. PPD detectives had previously received a tip related to illegal, obscene, digital images/data, etc. During the investigation detectives established probable cause that showed Price was in possession of illegal and obscene material. Price was arrested (pursuant to his warrant) for the following charges and booked at the Sonoma County Jail:
-311.11(a) P.C.; Possessing images/data, etc. of persons under 18 years of age engaging in or simulating sexual conduct.
-647(j)(3)(a) P.C.; Secretly record another identifiable person who may be in a state of full or partial undress…without the consent or knowledge of that person…in an area in which that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
-647.6(a)(1) P.C.; Annoy or molests any child under 18 years of age.
On Wednesday, 3/13/24, Petaluma Police Department detectives and officers arrested Angel Vega for an outstanding arrest warrant related to this investigation. PPD detectives had previously received a tip related to illegal images, digital data, etc. During the investigation detectives established probable cause that showed Vega was in possession of obscene material and had the intent to distribute said material. Vega was arrested (pursuant to his warrant) for the following charges and booked at the Sonoma County Jail.
-311.11(a) P.C.; Possessing images/data, etc. of persons under 18 years of age engaging in or simulating sexual conduct.
-311.2(c) P.C.; Distributing or possessing with the intent to distribute images/data, etc. depicting a person under 18 years of age, engaging in, or simulating sexual conduct.
These are both active investigations. Anyone with information relevant to either case is encouraged to contact Detective Estrella at (707) 781-1206 or to utilize”