San Luis Obispo Police Department Releases Incident Video in Officer-Involved Shooting Investigation

San Luis Obispo Police Department Releases Incident Video in Officer-Involved Shooting Investigation

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San Luis Obispo, CA – The San Luis Obispo Police Department (SLOPD) has made the decision to release the video footage of the officer-involved shooting that occurred in May 2021. While the contents of the video are deeply unsettling, the department aims to uphold transparency and fulfill the requests made under the Public Records Act, providing the public with a comprehensive understanding of the tragic events that unfolded on that fateful day.

This critical incident video offers a detailed account of the events that transpired on May 10, 2021. It encompasses the findings derived from the investigation conducted by the SLO County Sheriff’s Office, as well as the subsequent review conducted by the SLO County District Attorney’s Office.

The investigation and review unequivocally determined that the suspect, Mr. Giron, willfully and without provocation, discharged his weapon at the police officers who were carrying out their lawful duties, tragically resulting in the death of one officer and the injury of another. The report further concludes that the officers acted justifiably in employing force against Mr. Giron to protect their own lives and the lives of others.

Moreover, an independent investigation commissioned by the San Luis Obispo Police Department verified that no violations of departmental policies occurred in relation to the use or level of force exercised by the officers.

The events of that ill-fated day have had an indelible impact on both the SLOPD and the community it serves. The department is committed to honoring the remarkable actions of Detective Orozco, acknowledging the selfless dedication demonstrated by officers and dispatchers, and forever expressing gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice made by Detective Benedetti.

The release of this critical incident video stands as a pivotal moment in the pursuit of transparency, ensuring that the community can gain insight into the circumstances surrounding this tragic incident. By making this footage available, the SLOPD hopes to foster understanding and dialogue, ultimately promoting a stronger relationship between law enforcement and the community they serve.

The San Luis Obispo Police Department remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding the highest standards of accountability and professionalism. They will continue to review and refine their protocols and training to further enhance public safety and the well-being of both officers and community members.

For further inquiries or information, please contact Christine Wallace, SLOPD Public Affairs Manager, at 805-781-7186.

San Luis Obispo Police Department Releases Incident Video in Officer-Involved Shooting Investigation was last modified: June 16th, 2023 by admin
Categories: San Luis Obispo