Man arrested for Pointing Laser at Sheriff’s Helicopter

Photo: Stock Image
Story Originally Published By: San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office
“On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at approximately 5:50 p.m., a San Bernardino County Sheriff’s helicopter was struck several times with a high powered laser beam while flying in the area of Feron Boulevard and Hermosa Avenue in Rancho Cucamonga.
The tactical flight officer quickly located the origin of the laser by utilizing the helicopter’s camera system to identify an occupied vehicle. The crew maintained observations on the vehicle and relayed their position to responding deputies from the Rancho Cucamonga Station.
Once on scene, deputies were directed to the vehicle and contacted the driver, who was identified as Walter Luna. Sheriff’s deputies detained Luna and located the laser in his possession.
Luna was subsequently arrested and booked into the West Valley Detention Center under PC247.5 – Pointing a Laser at Aircraft. Luna remains in custody on $30,000.
The incident was reported to the Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. If anyone has information about a laser strike or witnesses someone pointing a laser at an aircraft, call 911.”