Suspicious Subject Report Leads to Arrest on Multiple Warrants in Olive Grove Apartments Parking Lot

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“CASE NUMBER: 25-0031
DATE: January 8, 2025
TIME: 20:52 PM
TYPE OF INCIDENT: Report of suspicious subject wearing a mask, associated with a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot.
LOCATION OF INCIDENT: 2171 Fig Lane, Olive Grove Apartments
VICTIM(S): State of California
SUSPECT(S): Jermal Karlnell Lee, age 37 of Willows CA.
CHARGE(S): Three misdemeanor Corning PD warrants: Vandalism, Possession of Controlled Substance, and Driving on a Suspended License. One misdemeanor Glenn County Warrant: Battery
BAIL: Released from the Tehama County Jail, provided Promise to Appear court dates.
SUMMARY: On 01/08/2025 around 2052 hours, a tenant of the Olive Grove Apartments reported a suspicious male subject in the parking lot. The subject was reportedly wearing a ski mask, associated with a gray sedan, with the trunk open.
Officers arrived a few minutes after her call and located the subject, working on the engine of a gray sedan. He was wearing a black balaclava head cover. He was identified via verbal statement and previous contacts as Jermal Karlnell Lee of Corning. It was determined the vehicle was having mechanical issues, and the registered owner was a friend of Jermal.
A check of wants/warrants related Jermal had three misdemeanor warrants held by the Corning PD, and one misdemeanor warrant held by the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office. Jermal was arrested on his four misdemeanor warrants. The vehicle was locked on private property at the request of the owner. Jermal was booked into the Tehama County Jail.
INVESTIGATING OFFICER: Sgt. D. Pryatel #204, Officer R. Ellena #224
APPROVED BY: Sgt. Pryatel ”