Kings County Sheriff’s Office Issues Media Release on Recent Minor Decoy Operation

Originally published 7-1-23 via Facebook
by the Kings County Sheriff’s Office:
“On Friday, June 30, 2023, Kings County Sheriff’s Office Deputies and Agents from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control conducted a minor decoy operation within Kings County.
The minor decoy program uses supervised individuals under the age of 20 who attempt to purchase alcohol at licensed premises. Any sale of alcohol to a minor decoy may result in criminal and administrative sanctions for the employee and licensee.
The team of KCSO Deputies and ABC Agents visited numerous retail establishments within Kings County. A majority of the establishments did a commendable job and used proper protocol as the minor decoy was denied alcohol at each location. A violation was obtained at one of the locations and the employee was issued a citation for selling alcohol to a minor.
Lake Bottom Brewery & Distillery, 1017 Whitley Avenue, Corcoran
The minor decoy program has proven to be an effective tool in promoting responsible practices in the sales of alcoholic beverages by licensees, reducing substance abuse and enhancing community welfare by limiting underage access to alcohol.
This project is part of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control’s Minor Decoy / Shoulder Tap Grant Project, funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.”