Explosive materials reportedly found in American Canyon home; man arrested

Originally published as an American Canyon Police Department Facebook post:
“On Tuesday June 14th, 2022 at approximately 2:00PM, Napa County Sheriff detectives served a search warrant for explosive materials at George Wise residence on Goldeneye Court, American Canyon.
During the search warrant, numerous precursors for homemade explosives (HME) were located at the residence, along with fusing systems, remote controls, hobby fuse, an explosives cookbook, black powder, flash powder, sensitizers and confinement devices. Evidence was located which indicated Wise had manufactured multiple cardboard explosives devices which he had ignited.
Wise admitted to making the items and the precursors being used to make HME. He also admitted the previous item not being an “M80″ but a homemade device he had made. Additionally, in his bedroom detectives located a baggie of white a crystalized substance which was consistent with Methamphetamine.
Wise was arrested and booked into the Napa County jail on possession of an explosive device, possession of materials with intent to construct an explosive device, which are both felonies. Additionally he was charged with possession of a controlled substance (meth) which is a misdemeanor. He is currently in custody with a bail amount of $100,000.”