Federal Police Lieutenant gets jail time (and more) for waving gun at Seaside police officers

SALINAS — A federal police lieutenant will be spending 90 days in jail after completing a 60-hour alcohol counseling session, and then it’s on to a 3-year probation for brandishing a weapon at two Seaside police officers while intoxicated.
Federal Police Lieutenant Erik Dwayne Glazier was sentenced in Monterey last Thursday for the July 17 incident.
An investigation revealed that at about 1 AM, two Seaside police officers gave Glazier’s wife a courtesy ride home. The officers assisted her to her front door and were immediately confronted by her drunk husband, who was waving a 9MM pistol at the three of them.
The officers drew their weapons and backed up, taking cover along with Mrs. Glazier. Mr. Glazier continued to advance despite orders at gunpoint to drop his weapon.
Ultimately, Glazier was shot four times. He was still pointing the gun at the officers when he went down, although a subsequent investigation revealed that it was not loaded. He also turned out to have had a blood-alcohol level of .20.
Glazier will spend the next three years on probation after completing 90 days in jail and 60 hours of alcoholics counseling.