Tag "ventura arson case"

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Firebug Torches Cars in Jail Parking Lot

Ventura County – When considering where to perpetrate an act of arson upon county vehicles, one might reasonably assume that the parking lot adjacent to a county jail facility would not


Dentist Bares Fiery Fangs in Arson Attempts

Ventura County – When maintenance workers discovered “large amounts of flammable liquids” on the roof of a Camarillo dental building in June of 2014, according to Ventura County Sheriff’s Department spokesman


“Foothill Fire” Leads to Arson Arrest

Ventura – While Southern California suffers under the most severe drought in a century and rural hillsides’ native vegetation turns tinder-dry in an unusually hot summer, fire prevention resources and law


2012 Arson Investigation Ends with Arrest

Ventura – After an investigation lasting more than 17 months that began with a car fire that took place in August of 2012, Ventura County Sheriff’s Department Special Enforcement Unit Deputies