Yuba County: Convicted Child Molester Sentenced to 53 Years to Life in Prison

Yuba County: Convicted Child Molester Sentenced to 53 Years to Life in Prison
Above: Uriel Lopez
Photo courtesy of Yuba County D.A.’s Office

“This morning, Yuba County Judge Julia Scrogin sentenced Uriel Solorio Lopez, a 37-year-old man from Olivehurst, to serve 53 years and eight months to Life in state prison for molesting two different children. The survivors and their mothers spoke at the sentencing, detailing the immense impact Lopez’s crime has had on them.

A Yuba County Jury found Lopez guilty on December 14, 2023, of five felony counts of child molestation against two separate victims.

The crimes came to light in November 2022, when Jane Doe confided in her aunt that Lopez had repeatedly touched her sexually. The disclosure came out because Jane’s aunt took time to talk with Jane about sexual abuse. Jane hadn’t told before because she was embarrassed and afraid she wouldn’t be believed. Jane’s aunt and mother believed Jane and called 911.

Yuba County Sheriff’s Deputy Daniel Pierce handled the initial call before turning the investigation over to Detective Rosa Gonzalez. DA Investigative Assistant Ryleigh Schoemer conducted a forensic interview with Jane. Jane described Lopez molesting her starting when she was 10 years old and continuing for almost three years. Law enforcement believed Jane and arrested Lopez that same day.

News of Lopez’s arrest spread, reaching Sally Doe in December 2022. Sally spoke with her mother about Lopez’s arrest. Sally began to cry, explaining that Lopez had touched her when she was a child. Sally’s mother believed her.

Sally and her mother went to the Sheriff’s Department, and met with Deputy Justin Prince. Sally told him she only felt safe disclosing now that Lopez was in jail, because he threatened to harm her if she ever told. Sally began describing the abuse, but the memories were so painful she had to stop. She returned a few days later and told Detective Gonzalez the details of being abused by Lopez from the ages of 12 to 15.

Deputy DA Brad Morrow tried the case. Multiple witnesses testified, including Jane, her mother and aunt, Sally and her mother, Detective Gonzalez, Dr. Tiffany Anderson of the UC Davis Children’s Hospital, various members of Lopez’s family, and Lopez himself. At the end of the trial, twelve jurors believed Jane and Sally, finding five of the six charges proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Thank you to all the heroes that believed these young victims and helped bring Lopez to justice. A special thank you to Jane and Sally for bravely coming forward. You are both heroes who no doubt have protected others. Finally, thank you to Jane’s and Sally’s families and Yuba County Probation Victim Services for your unwavering support of these strong young women.”

Originally published by the Yuba County District Attorney’s Office
Yuba County: Convicted Child Molester Sentenced to 53 Years to Life in Prison was last modified: February 22nd, 2024 by admin
Categories: Yuba