Minor Decoy Operation snags three for selling alcohol to a minor

PHOTO: Stock image (Source unknown)
WILLOWS // Glenn County Sheriff’s Deputies have arrested three people for selling alcohol to minors after conducting a Minor Decoy Operation on eight business establishments.
Three agencies — the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office, Glenn Inter-Agency Narcotics Task Force, and Alcohol Beverage Control — began the operation on the night of Friday, January 19th, in which they sent an underage decoy to eight establishments within the Department’s jurisdiction to purchase alcohol.
The decoy was sold alcohol at three establishments — the Arco/AMPM on West Wood Street, Chevron/Willows Travel Plaza on C/R 99W, and Bubba’s Place on West Walnut Street — and three people were issued misdemeanor citations for selling alcohol to a minor.
The three in question are William Rippeanderson (26), Chance Haddenmartinez (23), and Caleb Coats (21), all of Willows. The aforementioned establishments are slated to receive administrative reviews through Alcohol Beverage Control and stand to face a fine and/or suspension of their alcohol licenses.